Saturday, February 13, 2010

Shoulder Blade Looks Weird Should I Get My Hair Layered?

Should I get my hair layered? - shoulder blade looks weird

My hair is a few inches below my shoulder blade, looks strange?

and in a way that I could do it in shifts?


Animal Lover said...

It depends on the thickness of the hair is straight. If it is wavy and Sholder) legnth (like mine very well and you can relax and also looks good! My friend has straight hair, and she has very thin layers. It looks good, but you can not see the layers very well. They can also be-afraid, they look great on some people! Good luck!

BTW, with layers of your shoulder, you can always in a ponytail!

daobrien... said...

No work, not in layers. Think Steps ... longer hair at the base and then shorter. The layers can be investigated and shut off as well. ...

Here are some examples of layered hair. This model looks good, I'm sure it would be nice too.

Alison said...

In my opinion, I think,
Short films would

graceful... said...

If your hair is thick enough layers, so it's okay!

Kelly G said...


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